This activity is for
After going through this activity, you are expected to:
For each question, you have to choose the correct answer.
1. Approximately 70% of the world's men are in the labour force. What do you think is the percentage of women in the labour force?
Correct answer:
Although millions of women around the world have managed to find paid work in recent decades, the fact remains that the number of active women is still much lower than that of men. Specifically, 49.6% of women compared to 76.1% of men. (Data from 2015)
2. In developed countries, men spend about 1.5 hours a day on unpaid work. How much do you think women spend on unpaid work?
Correct answer:
From cleaning and cooking to collecting water and firewood to caring for children and the elderly, women shoulder a disproportionate burden of unpaid work around the world. Unpaid work underpins the economy and often makes up for the lack of public spending on social services and infrastructure.
3. “Informal work" is the labour activity of those who work and earn income outside the tax control of the state and the legal provisions on labour matters. What percentage of this group, worldwide, do you think are women?
Correct answer:
Globally, women make up 63 % of this group, mainly engaged in street vending, petty trade in goods and services, subsistence agriculture, home-based employment or seasonal crops.
4. What percentage of the world's population that is over retirement age and not receiving any kind of regular pension do you think is made up of women?
Correct answer:
Gender inequalities are enormous when considering the social protection received by men and women. Thus, the percentage of people over retirement age who do not receive any pension is almost twice as high for women.
5. Given the global wage gap, if a man earns 100 euros a day, how much would a woman earn on average?
Correct answer:
According to data from the United Nations (UN), women earn only 77 cents for every dollar/euro that men receive, which puts the global wage gap currently at 23%. However, this percentage varies in each country and region.
6. Which of these terms defines women’s difficulties in obtaining senior management positions?
Correct answer:
It is a concept that refers to the invisible barrier represented by the limitations women face in advancing their professional careers to positions of greater responsibility.
7. Which is the country with the lowest wage gap in Europe?
Correct answer:
At the European Union level, Luxembourg was the first country on the 2020 ranking, with a score of 0.7%.
8. What is the sector in which most women work in the world?
Correct answer:
Worldwide, 61.5% of employed women worked in the service sector, 13.5% in the industrial sector and 25% in agriculture.
9. Girls perceive themselves as less intelligent than boys.
Correct answer:
At the age of 6, girls begin to perceive themselves as less intelligent and capable than boys, according to a study conducted by The Science of 400 children, in collaboration with the University of Princeton, New York and Illinois.
10. What is women's empowerment?
Correct answer:
It is a term coined at the World Women's Conference in Beijing (Beijing) in 1995 to refer to the increased participation of women in decision-making processes and access to power. Women's empowerment is the process of increasing women's participation in all aspects of their personal and social lives.